Monday, November 4

Tis the Season

So, the title of the post might be misleading- no, I'm not about to start talking about Christmas. As many people know I prefer for all talk of Christmas to be reserved for December. Call me a scrooge- I just think that too much of a good thing... well, you know. No, right now it's the season to be thankful- and with so many things going on in the world, political dissatisfaction, financial crisis, and a general lack of international peace, it can be hard to be thankful for the day-to-day. Today I found myself in exactly this same spot. Money is tight, news is grim, and a break from schoolwork grind is nowhere in sight. Now, I know it seems like I'm straying from the general theme of this blog- which is supposed to be travel, but read on and trust my judgement on this one- I promise I'll tie travel in.

This is my ring. I wear it on almost a daily basis, and it is a constant reminder that I am enough just the way I am- that was the intention when I had it made in Camden Markets, London, England. However, today, it has been a reminder that what I have is enough. It can be really tough- and I've mentioned this before- going to a school that has a majority of students that seemingly have more than I do. More money, more free time, more fun, more friends, more family, more of everything. But today, as I was thinking about how stressful next semester is going to be, how tight money is going to be, and how different my friendships will look- after everything I've dealt with this semester, I looked down, and something in me clicked. I was so appalled with myself for the reason that I didn't even think twice about what I do have. I have awesome experiences in multiple countries that some people can't even dream of ever seeing someday. I have beautiful friends that are there to make me laugh and support me in my endeavors, and sometimes even join me. I have parents that fully embrace my love of other cultures, and encourage me to explore this vast and beautiful world. I have brothers that bring me so much joy, sometimes I can't help but talk about how great they are to me. I have a government (sorry for getting political), that will front me the money to get an education that some will never even dare to reach for. I have rights and abilities that I never lifted a finger for- so shame on me for complaining about the things I do have to work for- because even my job, though some days I dread it, is a blessing.

So, as I'm thinking through all this in my mind- my phone buzzes- it's an email. It's an email from a design company I gave my email to so that I could use some of their free iPhone backgrounds. I didn't know about the company, I didn't even really look into any of the other products, I just wanted free iPhone backgrounds (P.S. Another thing to be thankful for is my amazing access to technology). Anyways, I get this email, I open it up, assuming it's some sort of marketing email (I've been getting a lot of store discounts lately), when I notice it's an email post about being thankful. God's timing can be impeccable- right? Well, here is the link, and I strongly encourage you to read it- because not only is it really encouraging- but it's got some super great printables at the end for Thanksgiving (P.S. I really love printables).

Anyways, It's my challenge to myself this month, as part of my personal creativity initiative, part of NaNoWriMo (more on another project related to this later in the month), and as part of participation in this season of Thanksgiving- to write daily (personally, but I'll try to post a blog at the end of each week) about things I'm thankful for, as well as daily encouraging others to be thankful. So as you go about your day, your week, your month, remember- tis the season to be thankful.